Durchsetzung von AMG §47 Vetriebsweg/AM-HandeslV/GDP – LL Wir sind durch den Gesetzgeber verpflichtet die neuen Bestimmungen im Arzneimittelgesetz durch Dokumentation Ihrer Zulassungen durchzusetzen. Bitte unterstützen Sie uns durch die zeitnahe Rücksendung der erforderlichen Dokumente und erhalten Sie 10 % Rabatt auf Ihre nächste Bestellung von Osteograft Produkten. Hier zum Online Formular. zurück zur Übersicht
25 Jahre One Team
WOW. Schon ein Vierteljahrhundert setzen wir neue Maßstäbe in der Implantologie, mit zukunftsorientierten Produkten und einem Team aus kreativen Leistungsträgern. Wenn auch du einer bist, begleite uns auf unserem Weg und werde Teil der Argon. Hier erwarten dich viel Gestaltungsspielraum zum Anpacken, Engagieren und Vorangehen. WE ARE HIRING: Unsere aktuellen Stellenangebote findest hier. zurück zur … Read More
Temporary changes to optimize our deliveries in the long term
Dear customers, we are pleased to inform you that we are at the beginning of a multi-step conversion process in order to be able to guarantee even more reliable delivery readiness for you in the future. In the course of this planning, there may be a mix of two existing delivery states of our implants in the near future, which differ only in the container used in each case, in which ... Read More
Course weekend: Shell technique
The course weekend on the shell technique with allogenic bone with Dr. med. dent. Kai Zwanzig and extensive hands-on exercises offered a comprehensive and intensive learning experience for experienced implantologists and dental professionals. The event, which took place on April 26 and 27, 2024, promised not only theoretical principles but also practical exercises to provide participants with the skills ... Read More
XP Line - Spring 2024
Over the decades, oral implantology has developed into an extremely successful form of treatment that has long since left its beginnings behind. The time has come for both doctors and patients to raise their standards. Because pure functionality alone is no longer enough - perfection in esthetics and sustainability is achievable ... Read More
NEW: Spongiosa granules
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new cancellous bone granules - a breakthrough innovation in regenerative dentistry. These granules consist of a mineralized human collagen bone matrix containing 10% minerals, which gives them exceptional stability. With medium lifespans of 6 to 8 months and the possibility of long lifespans of up to ... Read More
Osteogel available again
OsteoGel consists of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and has been specially designed for the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa and for improved or controlled wound healing after surgical procedures (GTR). OsteoGel is ideally suited as a carrier material for granules from the OsteoGraft product portfolio. The low viscosity of the hyaluronic acid liquid gel enables easy clinical application.